If you’re worried about the prospect of airing the intimate details of your marriage in court in front of a judge whom you don’t know, you might take comfort in the fact that most divorces resolve through negotiation without ever having to be litigated. With that...
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Smith & Messina, LLP
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Divorce And Family Law
Should you enter into a prenuptial agreement?
You’ve worked hard to accumulate your wealth. As such, you probably want to do everything you can to protect it. While this means engaging in smart investments and creating an effective estate plan, it also means being careful with how your finances are handled during...
Tips for dividing debt in your divorce
Divorce is a major financial transaction. If you don’t’ prepare yourself to properly handle the process, you could lose out on the financial resources that you need to be stable post-divorce. Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. In order to avoid an unwanted...