Experienced Attorneys Helping You Plan What Is Next

Smith & Messina, LLP

Compassionate, Experienced Legal Advocacy

Auto Accidents Including Negligent, Drunk Or Distracted Driving

If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, do not hesitate to contact our office – we are here for you and will help you create a plan for justice. It’s important to act quickly, and the attorneys at Smith and Messina, LLP, will work directly with you in your pursuit of compensation, help put your mind at ease, and get your life back. We represent injured motorists throughout western New York, helping them obtain justice for the pain and suffering caused by the negligence of another.

We are proud of our relationships with our clients, and we work directly with you, answer your questions, and fight for you. Our firm will help you navigate the process of filing a personal injury lawsuit, seeking to recover medical bills or lost wages due to the injury, and to compensate you for damage to property, future loss of wages, and pain and suffering. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by a drunk or distracted driver, it is especially important to our call our office without delay. Injuries caused by a drunk driver entitle an individual under the law to recover for medical expenses and lost wages, as well as for pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. Our firm will help determine if others, in addition to the drunk driver, are legally liable for the injury and damage caused by the accident. A vehicle owner permitting a drunk driver to operate their car, or a bar or restaurant that sells alcohol to a visibly intoxicated individual or minor, may similarly be responsible.

Drivers that use their cellphones are distracted, and as a result, may run red lights or operate their vehicle unsafely and often cause serious traffic accidents. Our firm will help you bring a personal injury lawsuit against distracted drivers and work with you to recover just compensation.

We Want To Help You Through This

The attorneys at Smith and Messina, LLP, will work with you to obtain justice and compensation for the injury and hardship you or a loved one has endured as a result of a negligent or drunk driver. Please contact one of our knowledgeable personal injury attorneys at 716-648-1400, or email us for a free, confidential consultation. Smith and Messina, LLP: helping you PLAN for what’s next.